How our experienced academics develop as teachers
Teaching Matters Academic Communities
NOVEMBER 30, 2016
The technologies seemed to actively shape practice, rather than being passive tools.
Teaching Matters Academic Communities
NOVEMBER 30, 2016
The technologies seemed to actively shape practice, rather than being passive tools.
Teaching Matters Academic Support
MARCH 26, 2020
2019), we cite the musician Bjork, who said that “If electronic music has no soul, it is because nobody put it there.” Experiences of staff new to teaching postgraduate students online: implications for academic staff development. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. In one of our papers (Fawns et al., and Loads, D.
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Teaching Matters Online Learning
APRIL 15, 2020
If needed for accessibility, this process can work with printed and scanned pages too – although the full benefit comes if the final checking stage can be done electronically. He is now developing an entirely new approach to online laboratories to support a mixture of non-traditional online practical work activities across multiple campuses.
Teaching Matters Academic Support
NOVEMBER 8, 2018
. – Ross Galloway, Senior Teaching Development Officer, School of Physics and Astronomy Another challenge faced by the team was recording lectures that use more than one resource, for example, an electronic presentation as well as chalkboard content. The way we tackled this was by using automation.
Teaching Matters Academic Support
NOVEMBER 14, 2018
Stephanie (Charlie) Farley Stephanie (Charlie) Farley (@SFarley_Charlie ) is rarely seen without an electronic device in her hand, and is passionate about the uses of technology to enhance open education, access, and information sharing. She is also a Trustee of Wikimedia UK, and the Association for Learning Technology.
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