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How to recruit specialized business students and grow non-MBA enrollment


Career switchers are jumping into a field that is likely brand new for them, and unless they’re attending full-time, they’re trusting your institution to provide flexibility to accommodate their current job, in addition to career counseling for the one they hope to transition into. Do you participate in corporate partnerships?

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Empowering Student Success: Enhancing Student Information and Academic Advising

Creatrix Campus

Career Pathways: Integrating Career Counseling into Higher Education The idea of connecting placements and internship services with academic advising is certain to enhance students' career readiness and empower them to make informed decisions about their future professional pathways.

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How Post University’s Career Readiness Model Can Help Not-For-Profit Universities and Graduates: Changing Higher Ed Podcast 172 with Host Dr. Drumm McNaughton and Guest Camille Dumont

The Change Leader, Inc.

She successfully transferred the skills she learned in the hotel industry to the healthcare industry and now to higher ed, where she works in Career Services. She is also a member of the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) and the National Career Development Association (NCDA).